The truth is its Tuesday, after a long weekend, and I'm still recovering! I guess that's what happens as I get older. My husband and I took a quick trip to Orlando to celebrate one of my dear friends from college and her new Hubby!
I have been friends with these girls for the past 16 years, we all lived in our sorority house together, so when the opportunity comes for us to all be together, the fun cannot be stopped!
The truth is, I am the crazy caterpillar lady! My brother got my boys some caterpillars for Easter, and I have had more fun than anyone watching them. After we released our butterflies, I found many new eggs on our plants. I now have 30+ caterpillars!
The truth is, I applied for a job to go back to work, after almost 2 years as a stay at home mom, and I am not ready! My boys are getting older. Brock will start VPK in the fall, and Miles will be 2 in October. Although part of me is looking forward to afternoons of adult conversation and wearing something other than yoga pants, I'm going to miss these days spent with my little ones!
The truth is, I'm terrible at following through with things! I find things on pinterest I want to do and it usually ends up being a big old mess! And this Blog! I have "restarted" it countless times and here I am again!
Comeback tomorrow and see if I stick with it!
What's your Tuesday Truth?
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